
Welcome to my new comic book blog, where I will be writing about various comic books (mostly DC as I am a Super-Family fanatic) and other related topics, as well as the local comic book scene as I see it for the Ottawa/Gatineau area. I begin by posting one of my favourite covers (Adventure Comics v1 424). This was Supergirl's last appearance in Adventure Comics as a solo feature.

A little about me. I have been collecting comic books on and off since the late 1970s. My personal collection includes at least one copy of every solo Supergirl appearance since Adventure 381, her first solo appearance. I also have an entire run of Post-Crisis Action Comics (including the ill-fated Action Comics Weekly run of 601-642).

My other interests are Batman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Flash as well as the All-Star Squadron and the Justice Society. Non-DC interests are Star Wars, Buffy, Alpha Flight, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, Thor, Iron Man and the Avengers, as well as Disney Comics.

I plan to do an essay or review on topics I find interesting here, once or twice a week, and I hope that it is able to reach some people out there and such. I found inspiration reading Chuck Rozanski's Tales from the Database, (http://www.milehighcomics.com/tales/main.html) which can be found at the Mile High Comics website.I have also found some inspiration from the Legion of Super-Bloggers (http://legionofsuperbloggers.blogspot.ca/), as well as the Ottawa-area based website of Supergirl Homepage (https://www.facebook.com/SupergirlHomepage/).

Anyway, until next time, you'll find me pouring over new topics for this.


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