What's the Buzz on van Dyne - Part 2

Good day, shall we pick up were we left off our historical adventure? Join us for the Wasp, Part 2.

Finally in June 1969's Avengers #60, our intrepid heroine received what she believed to be her heart's desire...she and Hank got married! And in true super-hero style, the wedding was crashed, by the Circus of Crime. Of course, things just can't be easy for the couple, as Henry was in his revolving identities phase as Yellowjacket, who it was believed killed Goliath (who the Avengers beleived was Pym, and thus, Janet's finance.) and it was only when Yellowjacket lost his temper and grew to large size that the Avengers (and the other assembled heroes) realize that they were one and the same. (Although, did Yellowjacket's temporary schizophrenia make the marriage valid?) After this they do go on a honeymoon missing the next few issues.

One of the things I have noticed is that comicdom (or at least those in charge at Marvel) seems to have wanted this marriage to fall apart. The couple was initially happy, but Hank always had a sneaking suspicion that Janet took advantage of a weak moment in his life to marry him. He had several mental breakdowns over the years, which eventually led to the formal dissolution of their partnership. In Avengers (v1) 161-162,  a breakdown led to his capture by his creation Ultron. He was brainwashed into becoming Ant-Man once again and began to fight the Avengers. It was the Wasp who managed to defeat him, and while doing so, she believed that by her defeating him, she would cause hi more mental anguish. She began seeing a therapist, needing to lean how to cope.(To me, this represents a major change in comics, where we see the darker side of relationships and not just the sunny side that was portrayed in every super-hero mag since the Comics Code [after all, the Code forbid showing divorce]).

The panels I have pictured above, the subject of many memes on the internet since the internet bagan, show a new phenomenon in the marriage of Janet and Hank. In a famous story from Avengers #212-213, After falling into yet again one of his frequent depressive bouts, Hank decides to create a robot that could only be stopped by himself to attack the team, thus becoming a hero again in the eyes of his friends and his wife. Janet found out about the plan and tried to stop him, leading to the confrontation above. As a result, Hank was court-marital-ed, and Janet, finally having had enough, filed for divorce. (I do feel the need to point out that the main writer of the story, former Marvel Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter, wrote a piece explaining how this became he famous panel, which I link here:  http://jimshooter.com/2011/03/hank-pym-was-not-wife-beater.html/)

Being alone finally showed Janet that she had to become a strong, independent woman. No more could she simply be the background person, the one that had to be on the sidelines trying to make her husband feel better. This resulted in her personality finally developing, and she becomes a more savvy (while still her fashionable self) figure. She stayed with the Avengers after Henry was kicked out, and eventually becomes chairwoman in issue 217 after officially being granted her divorce.

This seems like a good place for a break, so tune in next time for Part 3 (and probably the last part) of our story of the original Wasp.

Ottawa news and notes - Not really an Ottawa note, but my personal countdown to Action Comics #1000 is really kicking up a notch. I can't wait for April 18, which is, of course the 80th anniversary of the shipping date of Action Comics #1 (April 18, 1938!). I hope you all enjoy it. It will be a special over-sized issue, selling for a US cover of 6,99 $.


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