Bits of stuff before Ottawa Comiccon

Good day, this is a quick post just to talk about some things that have come my way with regards to local (Ottawa, Canada) matters and to this column.

First and foremost, Ottawa Comiccon is this weekend. If you haven't got tickets, there are some available, but they are selling out fast. This years edition has a smaller gyest list than previous years, but for the comic fan, they have a fantastic slew of comic book writers and artists this year. Check them out at Also, I have confirmed that Multizone, The Comic Book Shoppe, Kobold's Corner and Myths, Legends and Heroes will be all at the show, so say hi, and more importantly buy something to help them make costs so they can keep going.

The Comic Book Shoppe in Nepean, and the Comic Book Shoope on Bank Street are both preparing for their big Midnight Madness Sales that go on during Comiccon. Both locations will be open until midnight.

Rob Lussier wrote me to say that this Saturday will be the last day he will selling his comics for a while, with the exception of the annual CHEO Comic Book Sale (Details for Rob's sale are given in an earlier column). When I have more details about the CHEO sale, I will provide them here.

Also, the monthly Capital Trade Show at the Jim Durrell Arena is on Saturday this weekend, making this weekend a particularly busy one for comic lovers.

Now, I have some thoughts I have received about this column so far. Apparently, I need to cover more than just Ottawa because most readers don't live here/relate here. I don't believe that for a minute. Although I like to write about comics and especially, histories and the stories behind the stories, I am a big fan of my area. I wish more people would help out their local readers find interesting tidbits of things to do because if there is one thing all events usually need, is more attendance and /or exposure. And that is true whether it is Cincinnati, Toronto or Ottawa. Because I write this, someone told me about Brockville Comiccon coming up on May 20, and as a result I am going, and maybe someone else who reads it here. So I will continue to be Ottawa Comic Book Guy.

Next, I was asked why I did second tier characters like Aquaman and the Wasp as subjects of articles. It is because everyone does the big ones, you can find more information about them elsewhere. I like to write about the thing not everyone writes about. All-Star Squadron alone gives me many subjects because characters here weren't always owned by DC. (Not that I will be doing many from there, I am just using them as an example.)

Anyway, whatever you do this weekend, have fun, and I will be back soon.


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