May the Fourth be With you...

..,.and also with you.

It was suggested to me a little late to perhaps do a history of Marvel's Star Wars series for today, but I also did not have any free time this week whatsoever anyay. SO instead, enjoy this quick gallery of  books about the Galaxy Far Far Away...

I like the last one pictured because I bought and read it recently.

I hope to have a real article soon.

Ottawa News and Notes - With the exception of Myths, Legends and Heroes on Bank Street, none of the Ottawa retailers have anything major planned for Free Comic Book Day. Check out this link for what is going on: As for the Comic Book Shoppe, they are preparing for their annual Midnight Madness sales at both locations that traditionally happen during Ottawa Comiccon.

I will be doing at least one article on the Con this year, but I ill not do the traditional "there are cosplayers and here is the sci-fi stars I meet. Everything here, will have a comic purpose, I promise.

Until next time...


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