Random Books My Son Picks...Issue 6

Good day. We are back after a short hiatus for this thing that Prince called life. Today I am going to do a review of the latest book that my son picked out, saying he loved the big yellow man. So without further ado, here is a review of December 1980's issue of DC Comics Presents #28, featuring Superman and Supergirl. (Doesn't Mongul have a face that even a mother can't love?) There are two stories in this issue, the main one and a feature called "Whatever Happened to" that was a regular feature of this book during this time. This months feature is Johnny Thunder, Lawman (not the doofus with the magic T-Bolt, the other one.) Story 1 - "Warworld" Writer: Len Wein, Artists: Jim Starlin and Romeo Tanghal, Letterer: Ben Oda, Colourist: Jerry Serpe, Edied by Julie Schwartz. The story begins with Superman and Supergirl flying through space where Supergirl is recounting to her cousin his story of how he met Mongul before, and that Mongul got away...