Another local artist gets a chance

Happy Hangover Day, Canada. Hope you didn't have to get up to go to work.

Today I am going to do a review of a book by another local Ottawa artist, a man by the name of Steve Coffin. Steve was born in 1974 in Portsmouth, England, and after trying to make a go of a career in music, emigrated to Canada in 2000. After graduating from Wed design from my alma matter, Algonquin College, he has been working hard as a graphic artist ever since.

I particularly love this cover as a big fan of the Guild, in fact this was what attracted me to his work in the first place. I had the pleasure of meeting Steve at a small Aylmer show where he was giving drawing lessons. I had my kids with me, so partaking in the session was impossible, but I did watch as he passed his knowledge on to an eager batch of what I would call, the next generation. Steve's website is, so give it a look and maybe you'll see what I do. You can get some of his comic work, including the book I am about to review at

The book is called Valet Buddha Parking - The Mysterious Case of Tony the Fig.

Writer, Artist and pretty much everything else: Steve Coffin

The book begins by introducing the hero, Simian, who is a detective, who makes his real living as a parking attendant at the Buddha Restaurant. After returning home (with the requisite childish jokes about his job), our hero actually gets a client (who is not introduced by name in this story...all we know is that she is a cat.) who hires him to look for her friend, Tony the Fig. They go to Tony's business and after braking in and searching, find a clue that they need a hacker for. They discover that a company named Bamboo International is involved. (Naturally we now get an interlude showing that the cops are corrupt. Are there ever any honest cops in fiction?) Simian goes to talk with his former gang members in order to get permission to be on their turf in the investigation. They then break into Bamboo International where they are attacked by...Kung-Fu Pandas. Johnny Panda (the bad guy of the piece) then reveals to Simian that the cat lady is a be continued.

OK, loving the art, the style of cartooning used here lends itself to the talking anthropomorphic  animal genre quite easily and well. Expressions are clearly shown (unlike my running gag picture of Boris) and the art clearly shows body language and a wonderful, flowing edge overall. I give it a 4.5 out of 5, because I am a huge fan of cartoony art when the story is not serious. And that brings us to the writing.

Writing is great. This story is simple and full of little silly jokes and that makes this comic fun to read. Lighthearted and yet solid. I give it a 4.5 for entertainment value alone. I am going to have to order the second part as soon as it's available. I do leave this comic with one serious question: how the heck does the snake put his hat on without arms? (Maybe Yo-yo can give him advice...sorry, real bad Agents of SHIELD joke.)

Overall, I think Steve could continue to have a solid career in this business, because if any of his other works are like this book, I could become a big fan real fast, and I hope (if he's reading this) that he'll be at Ottawa Comiccon 2019. (Check here for Lutu's own page:

Ottawa News and Notes: Summer has officially arrived an this leads me to the following. I will be on holidays for most of the next two weeks and will probably be away from my computer and collection for a bit (it is a staycation, but the kids will be with me, thus reducing the amount of "me" time a comic book collection requires.) So I am going to try to post events right no.

July 6-8, 2018: Montreal Comiccon: this one is a biggie, and has a lot of th same people who were here in Ottawa, including now Jason Momoa. If you missed him here, here's another chance.

July 15, 2018: Capital Trade Show: monthly one at the Jim.

For you furbies out there (which, given today's book choice, may appeal to you) Ottawa is hosting CanFURence 2018 August 3-5, 2018 at the Alt Hotel. Not my cup of tea, but I don;t judge.

August 12 - Another show at the Jim

And of course, Fan Expo Canada is August 30 to September 3 in Toronto.

These are pretty much all I can find for the summer events currently. Until next time, when I will draw comparisons between Byrne's 1986 Man of Steel and the current one that has just ended (or will on the upcoming Wednesday.)


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