Random Books My Son Picks, Number 7

Good day, everyone. It's time for another "episode" of  Random Books, this time my son picked Adventures of Superman #637 (April 2005). When I asked him why, he gave this reaction:

(This picture comes in so handy...)

This book is from an era of Superman that my knowledge is lacking in, as I actually have some missing books from this period as the print runs were not as large. Not that it really matters here, of course, after all to qualify for this column, it has to be already in my collection. So before I completely chase you away, heeeeerrrrreeee's my review!

Adventures of Superman #637 - "The Road to Ruin - Part Two)

Writer: Greg Rucka, Pencillers: Renato Guedes and Matthew Clark, Inkers: Renato Guedes and Andy Lanning, Letterer: Rob Leigh, Colourists: Tanya and Richard Horie, Associate Editor: Tom Palmer, Jr.,  Editor: Eddie Berganza (This is a long list for one regular-sized book.)

A flashback starts the book. In the Oval Office, President Lex Luthor hands Vice-President Pete Ross a dossier containing the proof that his best friend growing up, Clark Kent, is Superman. VP Ross doesn't want to believe it, but the evidence is overwhelming.

We cut to the present day, where James Olsen arrives at Metropolis Tower looking for Clark. After being told Clark isn't there, he engages in conversation with Jerry, another reporter and they discuss Ruin (who was the villain in Part One of the story, in the previous issue.)

We then move to Lois Lane who is having a conversation with her boss, Perry White about a development in an incident overseas where Lois was shot in a war zone, bringing Superman there quickly to end the battle. Perry and Lois come to the realization that she may have been deliberately shot in order to bring Superman there, leaving them with the question: who shot Lois?

Back to the Tower, where the aforementioned Ruin arrives looking for...trouble. Jimmy and Jerry are still conversing and Jimmy mentions his signal-watch. After a moment, Ruin suddenly attacks Jimmy, wounding him terribly. At this point, police that were on protection detail burst into the room with heavy weaponry designed to take him down. It does not succeed,: in fact, it only serves to make Ruin seem more powerful. As Ruin begins to send his hand-blasts towards the cops, our hero arrives. Superman and Ruin begin to fight, and Superman orders Jimmy taken out as he can tell he is still alive. Superman knocks Ruin down, and then takes his mask off.

After Ruin has teleported away (thus escaping), Jimmy is taken to the hospital and Superman has changed back to Clark, Pete Ross arrives to talk to him. They take a ride together and Pete tells him that his wife Lana has filed for divorce and is seeking full custody of their son. Pete asks Clark to talk to Lana because he still loves her and after all he lost (he is no longer Vice-President or President- long story), he doesn't want to lose them too. The book ends with Clark walking into his apartment to talk to Lois and Lois telling Clark an interesting finish (I'll leave one surprise...)

Writing: My favourite part was the Pete Ross storyline, it went on for quite a while in the comics and made for some good reading. The rest of the book falls into the mediocre category. It just was not compelling. There was no recap so if you picked up this issue without reading the previous part you had to try to figure out what was going on with only a little information. Therefor, this book only scores a 2.5 out of 5 from me.

Art: Colours are bold, facial closeups are fantastic, but the backgrounds feel minimalist and the angles that the people were shown from was not very impressive and felt unnatural. Superman's face on the cover looks stiff, linear and unrealistic as well as the background mask of Ruin. Overall, this book rates a 2.0 out of 5 as the art didn't speak to me.

Overall: This book scores a 4.5 out of 10, which is the lowest score I have given a book reviewed here. I think I'll have to hide this one so my son doesn't pick it again himself.

Ottawa News and Notes - I have discovered a few new local dealers when I went to the monthly Jim Durrell Show this past weekend. The show has now spilled into the outside hallway in front of the ice surfaces as well as the room, so it seems that it is getting bigger. Kudos to the Capital Trades team.

Kin Jee was there with his comic book partner Chris Risdon (together known as Jee-Riz Comics & Appraisals.) I was glad to find out that Mr. Jee still does his weekly "Off the Rack" reviews on the his own blog site (click here for link: https://gokinjeespot.tumblr.com/ ) Long-time Ottawa collectors will remember his long stint as the manager of the now defunct Silver Snail on Bank Street. I have always enjoyed reading his reviews because they are honest and very rarely biased (it is hard to pin down his favourite stuff unless he specifically mentions it; unlike myself.) Guy Leger was there, with his usual 75 boxes or so of stuff, that I always wish I could bring home with me. The Comic Detective was busy with people as usual and it was nice to see Derek from D' Best Collectibles and Ian Wallace from Big Belly Comics. My biggest regret is I don't have time and funds to see them all.

Anyway, have a great time and I'll be back soon. Next up...the Man of Steel...mini-series comparisons.


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