Comic Book Creators Whose Work I Have Enjoyed

Today I am going to go a little off the "beaten path." I am going to list the various creators I have liked and enjoyed over the years in different places. I will mention the creator and a bit of what I have read that that person had a hand in creating and why I remember liking it, in no particular order (except for last, I'm saving that for my favourite.) I know Boris is dying of anticipation: Boris Karloff - For the picture above (OK enough jokes for now). Jim Shooter - For almost everything he has done that I have read from the Legion of Super-Heroes, and for his editorialship at Marvel in the early 1980s. After Marvel's early 1960 early development years, despite what others may think, I find that Shooter's reign at Marvel had the books tight and cohesive with continuity. Stories were annotated with several asterisks per issue referencing previous books and/or series and he was responsible for bringing out the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe...