Return from holidays

Good afternoon, (or morning, or night; whenever you read this.) I have returned from holidays and there has been some news I feel the need to comment on, as well as some notes on the new Overstreet Price Guide (48th edition)

Disney has announced the cancellation of the Dark Horse licence to continue printing Buffy the Vampire Slayer and related comics. Naturally, they are being moved to Marvel to be continued, but completely revamped (pun intended.) The Disney plans include more stories of the original crew, as well as other secondary characters and books based upon the new Slayer series being planned. I am extremely disappointed in this, like I was when they did this to Star Wars. Dark Horse has put out quality product for years and years (especially the stuff based on licensed products, such as Alien and Predator), and Marvel's stuff has been sorely lacking in equivalent quality for the last year and a half (or so) I think. As per their usual stuff, all of the content in the Dark Horse stories will not be considered canon anymore, despite the involvement of Joss Whedon almost every step of the way.

CBS has announced that this season's (12) Big Bang Theory is going to be the last. Jim Parsons has had enough of playing the character and they decided to end the show rather than continue on without the show's undisputed lead. Although the show lagged a couple of times, I have found it generally a genuine look inside the world of comic fans and the different paths that life can end up taking them on. I know they will feel to give Raj a girl to end the show, so I hope it is an arranged marriage because it would give us a good excuse to have his parents in the same room (and the laughs, oh the laughs).  I just hope that Sheldon and Amy don't have a kid, I think that would ruin the whole show for me. Anyway, feel free to leave in the comments what you'd like to see on the show.

Some comments so far from reading this year's edition of the Guide (my vacation reading). I have never seen so many Canadians giving market reports as I have this year, even with Doug Sulipa's contribution way down in size. I was particularly intrigued by Marc Sims' report (Big B Comics in Barrie, Ontario; interestingly enough, my birthplace) Firstly, I agree that there seems to be a comic convention or (something in the vein) almost every weekend somewhere in Ontario, but to simply concentrate on the Toronto area can be a mistake. (He probably has had a bad experience at Ottawa Comiccon; we in the Nation's Capital are a frugal bunch by nature.) I do agree that non-comic side of comic fandom has taken over much of the current shows and that it is only the smaller venues that are truly staying in their roots as collector's shows. But even those are changing. But I also believe that comics and geeky fandom are not just a hobby, but a lifestyle choice, and I think there should be room for everything at every show. And Mr. Sims, Ottawa has shows of a more strict comic book nature, (I cite the monthly Jim Durrell shows which generally only have comics and sport memorabilia). Comics are actually spreading out, such as at 613flea, where at the very least, I know at least one comic vendor (Kah-Boom Comics) sets up. Otherwise, Marc's report is great and does his market area well.

The Guide is still maxing out at 9.2 and does not offer prices higher than this. I think it's time to add 9.8 at the very least, and I think the prices are a little too low as an average. (But, if you really need a spot price, you can always check out or other venues.) The Guide's value to me has always been as a historical reference, as well as a way to find other dealers (I have been very slow to use online shops; I started by ordering from Doug Sulipa, who's name I had because of the Guide)

Ottawa News and Notes - The end of summer is here, which besides back to school (now I have two kids in school) brings back a number of shows that people around here are looking forward to. 9As we get closer I will post links)

Aug 30-Sep 2 2018 - FanExpo Toronto, I know a few people going to this one.

Sep 7-8 2018 - Lindsay Comic Con 2018 at the Lindsay Square Mall, Lindsay Ontario (4 hrs from Ottawa)

Sep 9, 2018 - The next Capital Trade Show at the Jim Durrell Arena

September 22, 2018 - Barrie Library Comic Con (Barrie, ON)

September 23, 2018 Peterborough Comic Con (Peterborough)

September 28-30 Ottawa Geek Market (Nepean Sportsplex)

September 29, 2018 Brockville Comic Con, Brockville (ON)

OMG, Marc Sims is right, there is a show in Ontario every weekend.

Anyway, have fun for now and see you again soon.


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