Other companies, too...and a challenge

The recent article(s) on Charlton Comics I did have made me think about my own collection. I have a lot of DC (surprised?). I also have a fair share of Marvel Comics. Some Gold Key/Dells. A large number of Dark Horse Star Wars and Buffyverse. IDW. And one Dynamite comic (and what a dynamite comic)
Which leads me to thinking that with the amount of comics past and present made by companies other than the Big Two, why don't I have more? Is it because I am too invested in the mainstream? Am I afraid to give something a chance? I don't seem to have problems for the most part when comics adapted to the big or small screen have changes (racial changes for the most part don;t bother me, for example, I am a person that has always believed that Bond was never just one man, that he was a bugaboo/persona; so a black Bond doesn't bother me. There are black Kryptonians, and Amazons, and possibly, white Wakandians so that doesn't bug me. Nor does switching gender or sexual preference. As long as a character's ideas and motivations are believable in any sense; I'm ok with anything. Except a polar bear playing a walrus. You have to draw a line somewhere. Goo goo gajoob.)

I have read a lot of Archie and Harvey Comics when I was a kid, and have given my kids Archie digests I have picked up (inexpensively, of course, not going to give a nine and five year old expensive comics. I've seen how they treat Free Comic Book Day issues! I recently took my nine year old soon to see Titans Go! at the movies, and I plan to take him to the 40th anniversary showing once I know what Ottawa theater has it - Sunday, November 25, people - also Grey Cup Sunday, but if  the Redblacks are not in it, not as important. I've taken him the last two holiday editions of the Ottawa Comiccon; to this hasn't succeeded in making him a big comic kid and I wonder what it would take.) I have read some of the many reprints of EC comics (and even MAD Magazine). Other than the couple of Jim Aparo online Charlton reprints that inspired me to write the article, I haven't read a Charlton in years.

So I guess it all comes down to this, it must be time to expand my horizons a little bit. I do remember that when I was younger, I found that black and white comics couldn't keep my interest (outside of the newspaper, B.C. and the Wizard of Id were brilliant. Thanks to Id, I learned a lot of pop culture slang.), that has changed a bit with the Walking Dead collections I have purchased and read. I recently read (and reviewed) the version of Dracula that local artist Craig Taillefer inked. (For those with an interest in "good girl art", Craig has a sample on his business card that has me seriously considering a commission. I'd put it up here, but I think it would be better if you contact the artist yourself through his website: http://www.craigtaillefer.com/  In fact, overall, the one thing that Ottawa Comiccon has done for me is that I have seen a new and wonderful variety of art and comics, leading me to start looking elsewhere for some different.) I remember that local artist Greg Kerr, started in the Xpress newspaper with his weekly black and white strips, and becoming a big fan of his Crumb-influenced art. I have been trying (without success) to track down a copy of one or two of his collections/books (I have seen them at Crosstown Traffic a long time ago.) If you want to check out what I am talking about, here is a link to a story from last year that has samples of his work in the photo: http://www.ottawatonite.com/2017/05/talking-comics-with-kerr-the-cur-comix-retrospective-atomic-rooster-opening-night-tuesday-may-16-2017/

So I have yet to ever read a Valiant comic, and I have maybe read two issues of Spawn. SO I issue a challenge. I am going to pick up 5 comics from companies I haven't read before in the next month and do quick reviews of them here in a month's time. I challenge any readers out there to do the same. When I was a littler kid, I really only read DC until I was given an Avengers comic. Then I wanted to discover all these other stories and characters too. (The one story that really piqued my interest as a kid into Marvel was What If? Issue 32, the one where Korvac lives. I started devouring Marvel. Even the cover is cool, Plus, it's the first time I had ever seen Star Lord.) So, my compatriots in collecting, let's all give a little more of our hard earned cash to the locals, and get ourselves some treats. If anybody does the challenge with me, I'd love to see your thoughts in the comments.

Ottawa News and Notes - I will admit I screwed up, I forgot Batman Day was last weekend. Multizone owner Dylan Montgomerie is a huge fan of the Bat, and he usually makes Batman Day his biggest event of the year. I am sorry to have missed it.

The Comic Book Shoppe is hosting their Ladies and Enby night on September 23, Link here: https://www.facebook.com/events/265441340759991/?active_tab=discussion to try and make a more inclusive culture for comic fans. I fully support anything that helps keep the hobby alive, and as someone who was mercilessly bullied when younger, let's give them their space.

It looks like Comet Comics is moving. They are having a moving sale  Details here:  https://www.facebook.com/CometComics/

And, of course November 18 and 19 is the Ottawa Comiccon Holiday Version. You know, where entry tickets are discounted if you buy there (it's how VIP happens for me.) I will post links closer to date.

Ottawa Geek Market (https://geekmarket.ca/) is September 28 to 30, 2018 Hope to see you there.

Until next time...


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