What I am currently reading....and future plans

Hi everybody! I have decided that the next little while, I will be doing stories on the characters that compromise what is quickly becoming on of my favourite team books, The Terrifics. Consisting of Metamorpho, Plastic Man (the original elastic hero, older than Ralph Dibny and Mr. Fantastic.), Phantom Girl (an old Legion of Super-Heroes favourite; considering the LSH aren't really in current continuity, except for the appearance of the Emerald Empress in Supergirl and Saturn Girl in Arkham Asylum in DC Rebirth and the Batman/Flash crossover "The Button". That as wicked as she drew the Legion symbol on the window at the prison.) and Mr. Terrific are formed as a team as the results of the DC Dark Knights Metal Crossovers where they discover that the four of them cannot be more than a mile apart from each other or they all die. (Phantom Girl can't even re-materialize for the most part during this current series.) Anyway, the most current issue (#8) cam out today and it gave me the idea.

This was a good week for DC Comics because Issue 7 for the Doomsday Clock series has also arrived. With this mini-series coming out every second month, will people stay to the end? I hope so, because the first 6 issues have been a blast (especially with a new Rorschach, and how he is tied to the original.)

Having mentioned Mr. Fantastic earlier, and becoming a subscriber to the new Fantastic Four series it makes me happy to see that Reed and Susan are still alive, after Ben and Johnny have been searching for them throughout the new Marvel Two-In-One series. I am even happy with the way Valeria and Franklin have grown, and the changes in Franklin's power. I have always felt that Franklin was a bit of a trite character, he didn't add much to the title other than as an attempt to "humanize" the team (especially Reed), but I like him now. I hope they continue along this path in future issues. (I still cringe at the Future Foundation.)

Other than the usual Action and Superman fare, I have been happy with the fact the Supergirl title has come back, and that Dark Horse's Buffy run has to end. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Buffyverse in comic form since the day it began, and have "Faith"-fully (get it, Eliza Dushku fans, her autographed picture is right in front of me inspiring the "dad" joke) read Buffy from Season 8 to Season 12. The last one felt rushed as it as only four issues, but I will give the Marvel version a try, if only to see how bad it will possibly be. (I have felt that Marvel has stopped telling a good story a long time ago and only tell stories easily adapted to movies.)

Last week finished up the Aquaman/Suicide Squad crossover called "Sink Atlantis" Apart from the finale's "fetish cover" (pictured above from Aquaman (v7) #40, who wouldn't love to see Harley Quinn dragged by Mera under any circumstances. Even the girl behind the counter when I bought this thought the cover was sexy.) the story was a great one, featuring a very tense standoff between the United States and Atlantis that very nearly ended with a major war. The return of Satanus as a member of the Suicide Squad wasn;t a favourable notion by myself, but Deadshot and Harley were absolute gems in this storyline. I recommend everyone buying the trade when it is released, because we also get to see Mera completely thrust into her role as queen.

So that is a sample of what I have been up to this week. Next time I will have another "Random Books My Son Picks....the Daughter Edition" where the Mattcavegirl will do the picking for a book to review.

Ottawa News and Notes - A reminder about the Geek Market this weekend, it is still on as the Sportsplex did not sustain much tornado damage and has remained open, so let's get out and support the city. There will be places to donate for tornado relief set up, so spare a few of those hard saved dollars if you can. The Geek Market was where I bought my copy of Superman (v1) 199 last year, so there are treasures to be found.

Until next time, have fun.


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